What is CBD?
CBD is an abbreviation for “cannabidiol” – a component found in cannabis, that has no psychoactive effects (no marijuana ‘high’ because it is NOT marijuana). CBD has been shown to have properties, when ingested or applied topically, that may benefit your health. CBD is found in greater amounts in “hemp”, which is a type of cannabis, but not the psychoactive strain of plant often referred to as “marijuana”. Hemp is a strain of plant that grows much taller, and can be used for its fiber, oil, and its seeds. Because CBD can be found in greater amounts in hemp (versus other strains of cannabis), that is what is used for the CBD hemp oil.
Where does CBD come from?
CBD is extracted and separated from specific varieties of cannabis, often known as hemp. Chemically, CBD is one of 80+ chemical substances known as cannabinoids, which are all found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the second most abundant compound in hemp, typically representing up to 40% of its extracts. We recommend storing our products in a cool, dry location, out of open sunlight. The typical medicine cabinet or pantry should be fine. Because our oils are extracted from hemp, you might hear this type of product referred to in a few ways: CBD-rich hemp oil, hemp derived CBD oil, CBD-rich cannabis oil, or hemps extracts. CBD oil is unique from typical hempseed oil sold cheaply in the grocery store because it utilizes all parts of the hemp plant, instead of only the seeds. This method of extraction produces a more nutritionally robust oil.
What is CBD used for?
Because of FDA regulations, we are unable to specifically address these questions. Most of our customers do, or have done, considerable research on their own, which is why we say “for those who know…” there is a plethora of information available. Simply search “CBD and__” and you’ll find a wide range of useful data.
Is CBD Safe?
CBD has been studied and tested for its safety and current research shows CBD is safe and well tolerated in healthy individuals.
Full Spectrum CBD vs THC Formula
FULL SPECTRUM CBD: Our original full-spectrum formula. Contains a potent combination of phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, thus providing the "entourage effect" often referred to in medical studies. It's like a beautiful and harmonious symphony of players. It's the exact opposite of how you might usually think of "drug interactions." Non-toxic, safe, and field tested.
We offer this isolate formula for those who want only the compound Pure Hemp. It's suitable for those who may be tested or those who have an intolerance for other plant proprieties.
Will CBD get me High?
No, you will not get high. All of our products are made with CBD oil extracted from the industrial hemp plant.
What is the Endocannabinoid (ECS) system?
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a group of endogenous cannabinoid receptors located in the mammalian brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems, consisting of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors. There are two main types of receptors in the ECS, CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are primarily located in the central nervous system and brains of mammals, and CB2 are generally found in the peripheral nervous system. There are two main cannabinoids mammals produce- 2AG and Anandamide (named after the Sanskrit term “ananda” which translates to “bliss”). For hundreds of millions of years every vertebrate on Earth has been equipped with this ECS, a crucial system in the body, and it has been known about in the scientific and medical communities since the 1980’s. However, it’s still not taught about in most medical schools.
How much CBD should I give to my pet?
An effective dosage can range from as little as a few milligrams of CBD-enriched cannabis oil to a gram or more. Begin with a small dose of CBD oil, especially if you have little or no experience with cannabis. Take a few small doses over the course of the day rather than one big dose. Use the same dose and ratio for several days. Observe the effects and if necessary adjust the ratio or amount.
How should I store CannaPaws products?
We recommend storing our products in a cool, dry location, out of open sunlight. The typical medicine cabinet or pantry should be fine.
Is CBD Legal?
The FDA of the United States considers hemp oil (and it's derivative CBD) to be a nutritional product, since they are derived from industrial hemp plants. If you live in the US, this means you don't need a prescription and can legally purchase and consume Cannabidiol in any state.
Does CBD react negatively with certain medications?
At this time, there are no known adverse interactions with medication but talk to your advising physician if you have questions about using CBD while on medication.
How long is the Shelf life for CBD?
The shelf life of CBD is 2 Year.
What are the side effects?
Many small-scale studies have looked into the safety of CBD in adults and found that it is well tolerated across a wide range of doses. There have been no significant side effects in the central nervous system or effects on vital signs and mood among people who use it either slightly or heavily. The most common side effect noted is tiredness. Some people have noticed diarrhea and changes in appetite or weight.
What does CBD Help with?
Because of FDA regulations, we are unable to specifically address these questions. Most of our customers do, or have done, considerable research on their own, which is why we say “for those who know…” there is a plethora of information available. Simply search “CBD and__” and you’ll find a wide range of useful data. Based on what researchers have seen, and the limited data that they have acquired, it appears that CBD oil has significant potential to relieve symptoms in some of even the most serious diseases.
Is CBD safe for my Pet?
The answer to this question is Yes! We have a specific product line for large and small breed animals. To learn more or purchase these Click Here.
I like your products, can I become a Wholesaler?
The answer to this question is Yes! Click Here to go sign up as a Wholesaler/Distributor and we will create an account for you.
CannaPaws Full Spectrum Hemp Chicken Flavor (30ml • 1000mg) $49.99 – $104.98
CannaPaws Full Spectrum Hemp Oil (30ml • 1000mg) $49.99 – $104.98
CannaPaws Full Spectrum Hemp Oil (30ml • 500mg) $39.99 – $83.97
CannaPaws Full Spectrum Hemp Oil - Beef Flavor ( 30ml • 250mg ) $19.99 – $41.97